Feng Shui Wheel: Can it Boost Wealth and Dissipate Negative Energy?

Feng Shui Wheel

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, has gained popularity worldwide for its principles of harmonizing the environment to enhance well-being and prosperity. While many are familiar with common Feng Shui items, such as mirrors and crystals, the Feng Shui wheel remains relatively lesser known. In this blog, we will explore the concept of the Feng Shui wheel and its purported ability to attract wealth and dispel negative energy.

The Feng Shui Wheel:

The Feng Shui wheel is a unique item primarily crafted from copper. It features a central copper column surrounded by numerous small cups, basins, or bowls. Water is directed through the central copper pipe to the top, filling the small cups, and then flowing into the lower ones, creating a continuous circulation.

The Power of Flowing Water:

The key to harnessing the positive energy of the Feng Shui wheel lies in the continuous flow of water. Stagnant water is believed to hinder energy flow and potentially bring negative influences to space. To unlock the full potential of the wheel, it is essential to ensure the water circulates day and night, allowing the energy in the environment to flow freely.

The Need for Moving Waterwheel or Water Ball:

To enhance the Feng Shui effects of the wheel, incorporating a moving waterwheel or water ball is highly recommended. Such additions facilitate more vigorous circulation and contribute to a stronger influence on financial aspects. The continuous rotation and movement generate vibrant energy that can positively impact the wealth and prosperity of the household.

Harnessing the Power of Light:

Incorporating lighting features into the Feng Shui wheel is equally essential. By illuminating the wheel at night, the accumulation of wealth energy continues even after sunset. Light has long been associated with attracting prosperity, and the combination of moving water and light greatly boosts the wealth-enhancing properties of the Feng Shui wheel.

Attracting Wealth and Dispelling Negative Energy:

The Feng Shui wheel’s potential to attract wealth and dissipate negative energy can be attributed to its copper composition and continuous water circulation. Copper has long been associated with prosperity and abundance in traditional beliefs, making it an ideal material for enhancing financial fortune. As the water flows endlessly, it symbolizes the constant inflow and outflow of wealth, creating a positive cycle that leads to increased prosperity for the inhabitants.

Furthermore, the copper material of the Feng Shui wheel is believed to possess the ability to dispel negative energy or Sha Qi. This helps maintain a balanced and harmonious environment, where positive energy can thrive.


The Feng Shui wheel is a fascinating and lesser-known Feng Shui item that holds the potential to attract wealth and balance the energy in a living space. With its continuous water circulation, copper composition, and the addition of light, the wheel can enhance financial fortune and dissipate negative influences. 

However, like any Feng Shui practice, proper placement and arrangement are essential for maximizing its benefits. By understanding and applying the principles of the Feng Shui wheel, individuals can create a harmonious environment that supports their well-being and prosperity.

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