How to Wear Obsidian Pi Xiu Jewelry

feng shui bracelets

Obsidian Pi Xiu, a popular accessory known for its aesthetic appeal and reputed ability to bring prosperity and ward off negative energy, has gained popularity among many people. It is believed to possess various virtues, but there are also important taboos when wearing it. In this blog, we will explore tips of wearing Obsidian Pi Xiu jewelry.

The Benefits of Wearing Obsidian Pi Xiu bracelets

Obsidian Pi Xiu is believed to offer several advantages to those who wear it:

Attracting Prosperity: It is said to have the power to attract wealth and enhance your financial prospects.

Warding Off Negative Energy: This amulet is thought to provide protection against negative energy and evil spirits, creating a shield of positive energy around the wearer.

Enhancing Personal Luck: Wearing Obsidian Pi Xiu bracelets is believed to improve your overall luck and fortune.

Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond its spiritual properties, the Obsidian Pi Xiu is also cherished for its aesthetic beauty, making it a popular choice for jewelry.

The Taboos of Wearing Obsidian Pi Xiu

Seeking Blessings from a Respected Monk or Priest: Before wearing an Obsidian Pi Xiu bracelet, it is advisable to have it blessed by a reputable monk or priest. This blessing is believed to enhance the amulet’s spiritual energy and effectiveness. However, a crucial taboo is to avoid having a member of the opposite sex perform the blessing. Doing so may result in the Pi Xiu becoming dormant, reducing its efficacy to mere decoration.

Proper Orientation: When wearing an Obsidian Pi Xiu bracelet, ensure that the Pi Xiu’s head faces outward, towards your pinky finger, and not towards yourself. This orientation is believed to maximize its ability to attract wealth. Moreover, having the Pi Xiu face outward is said to provide protection and bring good fortune to both you and your family.

Avoid Blood Contact: It is essential to prevent your Obsidian Pi Xiu from coming into contact with blood. Such contact is believed to diminish its ability to attract wealth and reduce its overall effectiveness.

Don’t Conceal It: Never wear your Obsidian Pi Xiu bracelet inside your sleeves, and avoid adding additional adornments to its eyes. Wearing it within your sleeves can obstruct the Pi Xiu’s view, preventing it from sensing the flow of wealth energy in the environment.

Protection from Strong Light: Obsidian Pi Xiu is sensitive to strong light, so it’s advisable to avoid wearing it in direct sunlight. If removal is not an option, you can shield it from the light by tucking it under your clothing or changing its orientation to protect its well-being.

Do Not Allow Others to Touch: During the first three months after its blessing, it is crucial not to let others touch your “Eight-Direction Wealth Pi Xiu” bracelet. During this period, the Pi Xiu is still bonding with its owner, and contact with other people’s energy can lead to rebellion, a decrease in spirituality, or even complete loss of its efficacy. This should be avoided at all costs.

The Taboos of Wearing Obsidian Pi Xiu Pendant

Blessing by a Revered Monk or Priest: Just like feng shui bracelets, Obsidian Pi Xiu pendants should also undergo a blessing by a respected monk or priest to activate their protective and wealth-attracting properties fully.

Proper Placement: The most common design for Obsidian Pi Xiu pendants features the Pi Xiu’s face prominently. It’s crucial not to obstruct its eyes when wearing the pendant, as these eyes are believed to be the focal point for attracting wealth.

Continuous Wear or Proper Storage: Obsidian Pi Xiu pendants should be worn regularly, as they are considered protective charms. If you choose not to wear it for a period, it should be stored wrapped in red fabric and placed at your bedside or inside a cabinet.

Choosing the Right Time: The ideal time to put on or remove your Obsidian Pi Xiu pendant is during the “Dragon Raising Its Head” period, which is typically between 7 AM and 9 AM. It is also advisable to consult with a professional for an auspicious date and time based on your personal birth chart or zodiac sign.

Respect During Daily Activities: Remove your Obsidian Pi Xiu pendant when bathing, as well as during intimate moments with your spouse. These actions show respect for the amulet’s spiritual significance.

Proper Disposal: If you ever need to replace a damaged or old Obsidian Pi Xiu pendant, wrap the old one in red fabric and respectfully dispose of it at a temple’s candle and incense disposal area.


Obsidian Pi Xiu is more than just a fashion statement; it is a symbol of prosperity, protection, and spiritual well-being. However, it is essential to respect some tips when wearing this amulet to fully harness its benefits. Whether you choose Obsidian Pi Xiu bracelet like this website or pendant, By follow these tips, you can enjoy the beauty and blessings that this remarkable amulet brings into your life.

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